12 Reasons to Shop with Us

  1. Trusted Since 1816 Photo of a barn with the Stark Brothers bear logo with text Stark trees bear fruit Stark Bro's has spent over two centuries supporting American families to harvest delicious, home-grown food.
  2. Product Quality Photo of a man holding a blueberry plant in a pot Each product you receive has been tended by expert hands to ensure you receive healthy, thriving plants.
  3. Unique Varieties Photo of a hand picking a paw paw fruit from a tree Over 300 varieties of fruit trees, nut trees, landscaping trees, berry plants, garden plants, tools, and supplies.
  4. Survival Guarantee Photo of hands holding a strawberry plant Every order is guaranteed for 1 year. We will send you a free replacement, with a nominal shipping fee, or a credit if the item is not available.
  5. Expert Advice Photo of Terry Stark holding a Stark EZ start potted fruit tree Our Growing Guide is a library of articles, videos, and how-to manuals geared for your growing success.
  6. Great Customer Service Photo of Tabitha Rardon, Stark Brothers customer service manager, holding an apple in an orchard Our on-site customer service team is ready to help you find the perfect trees and plants for your home.
  7. Shopping Made Simple Photo of a Stark Brothers shipping box on a porch of a house Our website makes finding the best trees and plants for your location and climate quick and easy.
  8. Save Money Photo of a hand picking peaches from a tree in an orchard A single fruit tree can produce thousands of dollars worth of delicious fruit over its life.
  9. Know Your Food Source Photo of woman offering an apple picked from a tree Be more self-reliant by growing your own food, and enjoy the peace of mind that your food is safe and healthy.
  10. Excellent Reviews Woman sitting a desktop computer Our outstanding Google Reviews rating represents years of consistent praise of our website, products, and service.
  11. Our Engaged Community Photo of family sitting in an orchard with a basket of blueberries We're passionate growers like you! Join us on your favorite social networks and share what you grow!
  12. Shop with Confidence Photo of someone using a laptop to make an online purchase We constantly work to ensure that your data remains safe, with SSL security, off-site credit card storage, and more.
