How to Acclimate Strawberry Plants

Acclimate (ac·cli·mate): "To become accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions. Also to harden off a plant."

Acclimating strawberry plants helps to minimize stress to transplants in a new environment. Some of our strawberry plants arrive to you potted and leafed out with tender new growth, since they were grown in the controlled climate of our greenhouses. This tender new growth can be sensitive to things like direct sunlight and sudden changes in temperature, so we strongly recommend following this simple process prior to planting your potted strawberry plants outdoors.

Bare-root plants do not require acclimation and can be planted immediately in the ground or growing container.

NOTE: This is part 2 in a series of 11 articles. For a complete background on how to grow strawberry plants, we recommend starting from the beginning.
